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Andrew Marvell - On A Drop Of DewAndrew Marvell - On A Drop Of Dew
Work rating: Medium

See how the Orient Dew, Shed from the Bosom of the Morn Into the blowing Roses, Yet careless of its Mansion new; For the clear Region where `twas born Round in its self incloses: And in its little Globes Extent, Frames as it can its native Element. How it the purple flow`r does slight, Scarce touching where it lyes, But gazing back upon the Skies, Shines with a mournful Light; Like its own Tear, Because so long divided from the Sphear. Restless it roules and unsecure, Trembling lest it grow impure: Till the warm Sun pitty it`s Pain, And to the Skies exhale it back again. So the Soul, that Drop, that Ray Of the clear Fountain of Eternal Day, Could it within the humane flow`r be seen, Remembring still its former height, Shuns the sweat leaves and blossoms green; And, recollecting its own Light, Does, in its pure and circling thoughts, express The greater Heaven in an Heaven less. In how coy a Figure wound, Every way it turns away: So the World excluding round, Yet receiving in the Day. Dark beneath, but bright above: Here disdaining, there in Love. How loose and easie hence to go: How girt and ready to ascend. Moving but on a point below, It all about does upwards bend. Such did the Manna`s sacred Dew destil; White, and intire, though congeal`d and chill. Congeal`d on Earth: but does, dissolving, run Into the Glories of th` Almighty Sun.

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