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Algernon Charles Swinburne - Anonymous Plays:XVI - ‘Arden of Feversham’Algernon Charles Swinburne - Anonymous Plays:XVI - ‘Arden of Feversham’
Work rating: Low

MOTHER whose womb brought forth our man of men,     Mother of Shakespeare, whom all time acclaims     Queen therefore, sovereign queen of English dames, Throned higher than sat thy sonless empress then, Was it thy son’s young passion-guided pen     Which drew, reflected from encircling flames,     A figure marked by the earlier of thy names Wife, and from all her wedded kinswomen Marked by the sign of murderess? Pale and great,     Great in her grief and sin, but in her death     And anguish of her penitential breath Greater than all her sin or sin-born fate,     She stands, the holocaust of dark desire,     Clothed round with song for ever as with fire.

The script ran 0.005 seconds.