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Eugene Field - In The SpringtimeEugene Field - In The Springtime
Work rating: Low

`T is spring! The boats bound to the sea;   The breezes, loitering kindly over The fields, again bring herds and men   The grateful cheer of honeyed clover. Now Venus hither leads her train;   The Nymphs and Graces join in orgies; The moon is bright, and by her light   Old Vulcan kindles up his forges. Bind myrtle now about your brow,   And weave fair flowers in maiden tresses; Appease god Pan, who, kind to man,   Our fleeting life with affluence blesses; But let the changing seasons mind us,   That Death`s the certain doom of mortals,-- Grim Death, who waits at humble gates,   And likewise stalks through kingly portals. Soon, Sestius, shall Plutonian shades   Enfold you with their hideous seemings; Then love and mirth and joys of earth   Shall fade away like fevered dreamings.

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