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Charles Dickens - A Child`s HymnCharles Dickens - A Child`s Hymn
Work rating: Medium

Hear my prayer, O heavenly Father,            Ere I lay me down to sleep;            Bid Thy angels, pure and holy,            Round my bed their vigil keep.                        My sins are heavy, but Thy mercy            Far outweighs them, every one;            Down before Thy cross I cast them,            Trusting in Thy help alone.                        Keep me through this night of peril            Underneath its boundless shade;            Take me to Thy rest, I pray Thee,            When my pilgrimage is made.                        None shall measure out Thy patience            By the span of human thought;            None shall bound the tender mercies            Which Thy Holy Son has bought.                        Pardon all my past transgressions,            Give me strength for days to come;            Guide and guard me with Thy blessing            Till Thy angels bid me home.

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