Matthew Arnold - Human LifeMatthew Arnold - Human Life
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What mortal, when he saw,
Life`s voyage done, his heavenly Friend,
Could ever yet dare tell him fearlessly:
"I have kept uninfringed my nature`s law ;
The inly-written chart thou gavest me,
To guide me, I have steer`d by to the end"?
Ah! let us make no claim,
On life`s incognisable sea,
To too exact a steering of our way;
Let us not fret and fear to miss our aim,
If some fair coast have lured us to make stay,
Or some friend hail`d us to keep company.
Ay! we would each fain drive
At random, and not steer by rule.
Weakness! and worse, weakness bestow`d in vain
Winds from our side the unsuiting consort rive,
We rush by coasts where we had lief remain;
Man cannot, though he would, live chance`s fool.
No! as the foaming swath
Of torn-up water, on the main,
Falls heavily away with long-drawn roar
On either side the black deep-furrow`d path
Cut by an onward-labouring vessel`s prore,
And never touches the ship-side again;
Even so we leave behind,
As, charter`d by some unknown Powers
We stem across the sea of life by night
The joys which were not for our use design`d;--
The friends to whom we had no natural right,
The homes that were not destined to be ours.
The script ran 0.01 seconds.