Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Plighted PromiseDante Gabriel Rossetti - Plighted Promise
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IN a soft-complexioned sky,
Fleeting rose and kindling grey,
Have you seen Aurora fly
At the break of day?
So my maiden, so my plighted may
Blushing cheek and gleaming eye
Lifts to look my way.
Where the inmost leaf is stirred
With the heart-beat of the grove,
Have you heard a hidden bird
Cast her note above?
So my lady, so my lovely love,
Echoing Cupid`s prompted word,
Makes a tune thereof.
Have you seen, at heaven`s mid-height,
In the moon-rack`s ebb and tide,
Venus leap forth burning white,
Dian pale and hide?
So my bright breast-jewel, so my bride,
One sweet night, when fear takes flight,
Shall leap against my side.
The script ran 0.002 seconds.