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Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Sonnet XXXIII: Venus VictrixDante Gabriel Rossetti - Sonnet XXXIII: Venus Victrix
Work rating: Low

Could Juno`s self more sovereign presence wear Than thou, `mid other ladies throned in grace?— Or Pallas, when thou bend`st with soul-stilled face O`er poet`s page gold-shadowed in thy hair? Dost thou than Venus seem less heavenly fair When o`er the sea of love`s tumultuous trance Hovers thy smile, and mingles with thy glance That sweet voice like the last wave murmuring there? Before such triune loveliness divine Awestruck I ask, which goddess here most claims The prize that, howsoe`er adjudged, is thine? Then Love breathes low the sweetest of thy names; And Venus Victrix to my heart doth bring Herself, the Helen of her guerdoning.

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