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Dante Gabriel Rossetti - La Bella ManoDante Gabriel Rossetti - La Bella Mano
Work rating: Low

O BELLA Mano, che ti lavi e piaci In quel medesmo tuo puro elemento Donde la Dea dell` amoroso avvento Nacque, (e dall` onda s`infuocar le faci Di mille inispegnibili fornaci):— Come a Venere a te l`oro e l`argento Offron gli Amori; e ognun riguarda attento La bocca che sorride e te che taci. In dolce modo dove onor t` invii Vattene adorna, e porta insiem fra tante Di Venere e di vergine sembiante; Umilemente in luoghi onesti e pii Bianca e soave ognora; infin che sii, O Mano, mansueta in man d`amante. O LOVELY hand, that thy sweet self dost lave In that thy pure and proper element, Whence erst the Lady of Love`s high advènt Was born, and endless fires sprang from the wave:— Even as her Loves to her their offerings gave, For thee the jewelled gifts they bear; while each Looks to those lips, of music-measured speech The fount, and of more bliss than man may crave. In royal wise ring-girt and bracelet-spann`d, A flower of Venus` own virginity, Go shine among thy sisterly sweet band; In maiden-minded converse delicately Evermore white and soft; until thou be, O hand! heart-handsel`d in a lover`s hand.

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