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Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Sonnet LIII: Without HerDante Gabriel Rossetti - Sonnet LIII: Without Her
Work rating: Low

What of her glass without her? The blank grey There where the pool is blind of the moon`s face. Her dress without her? The tossed empty space Of cloud-rack whence the moon has passed away. Her paths without her? Day`s appointed sway Usurped by desolate night. Her pillowed place Without her? Tears, ah me! for love`s good grace, And cold forgetfulness of night or day. What of the heart without her? Nay, poor heart, Of thee what word remains ere speech be still? A wayfarer by barren ways and chill, Steep ways and weary, without her thou art, Where the long cloud, the long wood`s counterpart, Sheds doubled darkness up the labouring hill.

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