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Robinson Jeffers - The Old Man’s Dream After He DiedRobinson Jeffers - The Old Man’s Dream After He Died
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from CAWDOR Gently with delicate mindless fingers Decomposition began to pick and caress the unstable chemistry Of the cells of the brain; Oh very gently, as the first weak breath of wind in a wood: the storm is still far, The leaves are stirred faintly to a gentle whispering: the nerve-cells, by what would soon destroy them, were stirred To a gentle whispering. Or one might say the brain began to glow, with its own light, in the starless Darkness under the dead bone sky; like bits of rotting wood on the floor of the night forest Warm rains have soaked, you see them beside the path shine like vague eyes. So gently the dead man`s brain Glowing by itself made and enjoyed its dream.                                                                       The nights of many years before this time He had been dreaming the sweetness of death, as a starved man dreams bread, but now decomposition Reversed the chemistry; who had adored in sleep under so many disguises the dark redeemer In death across a thousand metaphors of form and action celebrated life. Whatever he had wanted To do or become was now accomplished, each bud that had been nipped and fallen grew out to a branch, Sparks of desire forty years quenched flamed up fulfilment. Out of time, undistracted by the nudging pulse-beat, perfectly real to itself being insulated From all touch of reality the dream triumphed, building from past experience present paradise More intense as the decay quickened, but ever more primitive as it proceeded, until the ecstasy Soared through a flighty carnival of wines and women to the simple delight of eating flesh, and tended Even higher, to an unconditional delight. But then the interconnections between the groups of the brain Failing, the dreamer and the dream split into multitude. Soon the altered cells became unfit to express Any human or at all describable form of consciousness.                                                                                       Pain and pleasure are not to be thought Important enough to require balancing: these flashes of pos-tmortal felicity by mindless decay Played on the breaking harp by no means countervalued the excess of previous pain. Such discords In the passionate terms of human experience are not resolved, nor worth it.

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