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William Wordsworth - The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - DedicationWilliam Wordsworth - The White Doe Of Rylstone, Or, The Fate Of The Nortons - Dedication
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IN trellised shed with clustering roses gay, And, MARY! oft beside our blazing fire, When yeas of wedded life were as a day Whose current answers to the heart`s desire, Did we together read in Spenser`s Lay How Una, sad of soul--in sad attire, The gentle Una, of celestial birth, To seek her Knight went wandering o`er the earth. Ah, then, Beloved! pleasing was the smart, And the tear precious in compassion shed                    For Her, who, pierced by sorrow`s thrilling dart, Did meekly bear the pang unmerited; Meek as that emblem of her lowly heart The milk-white Lamb which in a line she led,-- And faithful, loyal in her innocence, Like the brave Lion slain in her defence. Notes could we hear as of a faery shell Attuned to words with sacred wisdom fraught; Free Fancy prized each specious miracle, And all its finer inspiration caught;                      Till in the bosom of our rustic Cell, We by a lamentable change were taught That "bliss with mortal Man may not abide:" How nearly joy and sorrow are allied! For us the stream of fiction ceased to flow, For us the voice of melody was mute. --But, as soft gales dissolve the dreary snow, And give the timid herbage leave to shoot, Heaven`s breathing influence failed not to bestow A timely promise of unlooked-for fruit,                    Fair fruit of pleasure and serene content From blossoms wild of fancies innocent. It soothed us--it beguiled us--then, to hear Once more of troubles wrought by magic spell; And griefs whose aery motion comes not near The pangs that tempt the Spirit to rebel: Then, with mild Una in her sober cheer, High over hill and low adown the dell Again we wandered, willing to partake All that she suffered for her dear Lord`s sake.            Then, too, this Song `of mine` once more could please, Where anguish, strange as dreams of restless sleep, Is tempered and allayed by sympathies Aloft ascending, and descending deep, Even to the inferior Kinds; whom forest-trees Protect from beating sunbeams, and the sweep Of the sharp winds;--fair Creatures!--to whom Heaven A calm and sinless life, with love, hath given. This tragic Story cheered us; for it speaks Of female patience winning firm repose;                    And, of the recompense that conscience seeks, A bright, encouraging, example shows; Needful when o`er wide realms the tempest breaks, Needful amid life`s ordinary woes;-- Hence, not for them unfitted who would bless A happy hour with holier happiness. He serves the Muses erringly and ill, Whose aim is pleasure light and fugitive: Oh, that my mind were equal to fulfil The comprehensive mandate which they give--                Vain aspiration of an earnest will! Yet in this moral Strain a power may live, Beloved Wife! such solace to impart As it hath yielded to thy tender heart.   RYDAL MOUNT, WESTMORELAND,             April , 1815.                   _____________ "Action is transitory--a step, a blow, The motion of a muscle--this way or that-- `Tis done; and in the after-vacancy We wonder at ourselves like men betrayed: Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And has the nature of infinity. Yet through that darkness (infinite though it seem And irremoveable) gracious openings lie, By which the soul--with patient steps of thought Now toiling, waked now on wings of prayer--                May pass in hope, and, though from mortal bonds Yet undelivered, rise with sure ascent Even to the fountain-head of peace divine."

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