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George Herbert - The BagGeorge Herbert - The Bag
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Away despair; my gracious Lord doth heare,     Though windes and waves assault my keel,     He doth preserve it: he doth steer,     Ev`n when the boat seems most to reel.     Storms are the triumph of his art: Well may he close his eyes, but not his heart. Hast thou not heard, that my Lord Jesus died?     Then let me tell thee a strange storie.     The God of power, as he did ride     In his majestick robes of glorie,     Resolv`d to light; and so one day He did descend, undressing all the way. The starres his tire of light and rings obtain`d,     The cloud his bow, the fire his spear,     The sky his azure mantle gain`d.     And when they ask`d, what he would wear;     He smil`d, and said as he did go, He had new clothes a making here below. When he was come, as travellers are wont,     He did repair unto an inne.     Both then, and after, many a brunt     He did endure to cancell sinne:     And having giv`n the rest before, Here he gave up his life to pay our score. But as he was returning, there came one     That ran upon him with a spear.     He, who came hither all alone,     Bringing nor man, nor arms, nor fear,     Receiv`d the blow upon his side, And straight he turn`d, and to his brethren cry`d, If ye have any thing to send or write,     (I have no bag, but here is room)     Unto my Father`s hands and sight     (Beleeve me) it shall safely come.     That I shall minde, what you impart; Look, you may put it very neare my heart. Or if hereafter any of my friends     Will use me in this kinde, the doore     Shall still be open; what he sends     I will present, and somewhat more,     Not to his hurt.  Sighs will convey Anything to me.  Heark despair, away.

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