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George Herbert - The Banquet George Herbert - The Banquet
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Welcome sweet and sacred cheer,                         Welcome deare; With me, in me, live and dwell: For thy neatnesse passeth sight,                         Thy delight Passeth tongue to taste or tell. O what sweetnesse from the bowl                         Fills my soul, Such as is, and makes divine! In some starre (fled from the sphere)                         Melted there, As we sugar melt in wine? Or hath sweetnesse in the bread                         Make a head To subdue the smell of sinne, Flowers, and gummes, and powders giving                         All their living, Lest the enemie should winne? Doubtlesse, neither starre nor flower                         Hath the power Such a sweetnesse to impart: Onely God, who gives perfumes,                         Flesh assumes, And with it perfumes my heart. But as Pomanders and wood                         Still are good, Yet being bruis`d are better sented; God, to show how farre his love                         Could improve, Here, as broken, is presented. When I had forgot my birth,                         And on earth In delights of earth was drown`d; God took bloud, and needs would be                         Spilt with me, And so found me on the ground. Having raised me to look up,                         In a cup Sweetly he doth meet my taste. But I still being low and short,                         Farre from court, Wine becomes a wing at last. For with it alone I flie                         To the skie: Where I wipe mine eyes, and see What I seek, for what I sue;                         Him I view Who hath done so much for me. Let the wonder of this pitie                         Be my dittie, And take up my lines and life: Hearken under pain of death,                         Hands and breath, Strive in this, and love the strife.

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