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George Herbert - A Paradox, That The Sick Are In A Better Case Than The WholeGeorge Herbert - A Paradox, That The Sick Are In A Better Case Than The Whole
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You who admire yourselves because           You neither groan nor weep, And think it contrary to Nature`s laws           To want one ounce of sleep,               Your strong belief Acquits yourselves, and gives the sick all grief. Your state to ours is contrary,           That makes you think us poor, So Black-moors think us foul, and we           Are quit with them, and more,               Nothing can see And judge of things but mediocrity. The sick are in themselves a state           Which health hath nought to do. How know you that our tears proceed from woe,           And not from better fate!               Since that Mirth hath Her waters also and desired bath. How know you that the sighs we send           From want of breath proceed, Not from excess? and therefore we do spend           That which we do not need ;               So trembling may As well show inward warbling, as decay. Cease then to judge calamities           By outward form and show, But view yourselves, and inward turn your eyes,           Then you shall fully know               That your estate Is, of the two, the far more desperate. You always fear to feel those smarts           Which we but sometimes prove, Each little comfort much affects our hearts,           None but gross joys you move ;                 Why then confess Your fears in number more, your joys are less. Then for yourselves not us embrace           Plaints to bad fortune due, For though you visit us, and plaint or case,           We doubt much whether you               Come to our bed To comfort us, or to be comforted.

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