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William Wordsworth - MatthewWilliam Wordsworth - Matthew
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IF Nature, for a favourite child, In thee hath tempered so her clay, That every hour thy heart runs wild, Yet never once doth go astray, Read o`er these lines; and then review This tablet, that thus humbly rears In such diversity of hue Its history of two hundred years. --When through this little wreck of fame, Cipher and syllable! thine eye                              Has travelled down to Matthew`s name, Pause with no common sympathy. And, if a sleeping tear should wake, Then be it neither checked nor stayed: For Matthew a request I make Which for himself he had not made. Poor Matthew, all his frolics o`er, Is silent as a standing pool; Far from the chimney`s merry roar, And murmur of the village school.                          The sighs which Matthew heaved were sighs Of one tired out with fun and madness; The tears which came to Matthew`s eyes Were tears of light, the dew of gladness. Yet, sometimes, when the secret cup Of still and serious thought went round, It seemed as if he drank it up-- He felt with spirit so profound. --Thou soul of God`s best earthly mould! Thou happy Soul! and can it be                              That these two words of glittering gold Are all that must remain of thee?

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