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Isaac Watts - Psalm 102 part 1Isaac Watts - Psalm 102 part 1
Work rating: Low

v.1-13,20,21 C. M. A prayer of the afflicted. Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face; But answer, lest I die; Hast thou not built a throne of grace To hear when sinners cry? My days are wasted like the smoke Dissolving in the air; My strength is dried, my heart is broke, And sinking in despair. My spirits flag like with`ring grass Burnt with excessive heat; In secret groans my minutes pass, And I forget to eat. As on some lonely building`s top The sparrow tells her moan, Far from the tents of joy and hope I sit and grieve alone. My soul is like a wilderness, Where beasts of midnight howl; There the sad raven finds her place, And there the screaming owl. Dark, dismal thoughts, and boding fears, Dwell in my troubled breast; While sharp reproaches wound my ears, Nor give my spirit rest. My cup is mingled with my woes, And tears are my repast; My daily bread, like ashes, grows Unpleasant to my taste. Sense can afford no real joy To souls that feel thy frown; Lord, `twas thy hand advanced me high, Thy hand hath cast me down. My looks like withered leaves appear; And life`s declining light Grows faint as evening shadows are That vanish into night. But thou for ever art the same, O my eternal God; Ages to come shall know thy name, And spread thy works abroad. Thou wilt arise and show thy face, Nor will my Lord delay Beyond th` appointed hour of grace, That long-expected day. He hears his saints, he knows their cry, And by mysterious ways Redeems the pris`ners doomed to die, And fills their tongues with praise.

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