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Isaac Watts - PSALM 105 AbridgedIsaac Watts - PSALM 105 Abridged
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God`s conduct of Israel, and the plagues of Egypt. Give thanks to God, invoke his name, And tell the world his grace; Sound through the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek his face. His cov`nant, which he kept in mind For num`rous ages past, To num`rous ages yet behind In equal force shall last. He sware to Abraham and his seed, And made the blessing sure; Gentiles the ancient promise read, And find his truth endure. "Thy seed shall make all nations blest," (Said the Almighty voice,) "And Canaan`s land shall be their rest, The type of heav`nly joys." [How large the grant! how rich the grace, To give them Canaan`s land, When they were strangers in the place, A little feeble band! Like pilgrims through the countries round Securely they removed; And haughty kings that on them frowned Severely he reproved. "Touch mine anointed, and my arm Shall soon revenge the wrong: The man that does my prophets harm, Shall know their God is strong." Then let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear; Isr`el must live through every age, And be th` Almighty`s care.] PAUSE I. When Pharaoh dared to vex the saints, And thus provoked their God, Moses was sent at their complaints, Armed with his dreadful rod. He called for darkness; darkness came Like an o`erwhelming flood; He turned each lake and every stream To lakes and streams of blood. He gave the sign, and noisome flies Through the whole country spread; And frogs in croaking armies rise About the monarch`s bed. Through fields, and towns, and palaces, The tenfold vengeance flew; Locusts in swarms devoured their trees, And hail their cattle slew. Then by an angel`s midnight stroke The flower of Egypt died; The strength of every house was broke, Their glory and their pride. Now let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the church in fear; Isr`el must live through every age, And be th` Almighty`s care. PAUSE II. Thus were the tribes from bondage brought, And left the hated ground; Each some Egyptian spoils had got, And not one feeble found. The Lord himself chose out their way, And marked their journeys right; Gave them a leading cloud by day, A fiery guide by night. They thirst, and waters from the rock In rich abundance flow; And following still the course they took, Ran all the desert through. O wondrous stream! O blessed type Of ever-flowing grace! So Christ, our Rock, maintains our life Through all this wilderness. Thus guarded by th` Almighty hand, The chosen tribes possessed Canaan, the rich, the promised land, And there enjoyed their rest. Then let the world forbear its rage, The church renounce her fear; Isr`el must live through every age, And be th` Almighty`s care.

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