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Isaac Watts - Hymn 161Isaac Watts - Hymn 161
Work rating: Low

Christian virtues; or, The difficulty of conversion. Strait is the way, the door is strait, That leads to joys on high; `Tis but a few that find the gate, While crowds mistake, and die. Beloved self must be denied, The mind and will renewed Passion suppressed, and patience tried, And vain desires subdued. [Flesh is a dangerous foe to grace, Where it prevails and rules; Flesh must be humbled, pride abased, Lest they destroy our souls. The love of gold be banished hence, That vile idolatry, And every member, every sense, in sweet subjection lie.] The tongue, that most unruly power, Requires a strong restraint; We must be watchful every hour, And pray, but never faint. Lord, can a feeble, helpless worm Fulfil a task so hard? Thy grace must all my work perform, And give the free reward.

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