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Edmund Spenser - Sonnet XXVEdmund Spenser - Sonnet XXV
Work rating: Low

HOw long shall this lyke dying lyfe endure, And know no end of her owne mysery: but wast and weare away in termes vnsure, twixt feare and hope depending doubtfully. Yet better were attonce to let me die, and shew the last ensample of your pride: then to torment me thus with cruelty, to proue your powre, which I too wel haue tride. But yet if in your hardned brest ye hide, a close intent at last to shew me grace: then all the woes and wrecks which I abide, as meanes of blisse I gladly wil embrace. And wish that more and greater they might be, that greater meede at last may turne to mee.

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