As late I lay in Slumber`s shadowy vale, With wetted cheek and in a mourner`s guise, I saw the sainted form of FREEDOM rise: She spake! not sadder moans the autumnal gale. `Great Son of Genius! sweet to me thy name, Ere in an evil hour with alter`d voice Thou bad`st Oppression`s hireling crew rejoice Blasting with wizard spell my laurell`d fame. Yet never, Burke! thou drank`st Corruption`s bowl! Thee stormy Pity, and the cherished lure Of Pomp, and proud Precipitance of soul, Wildered with meteor fires. Ah, Spirit pure! That error`s mist had left thy purged eye: So might I clasp thee with a Mother`s joy!`SourceThe script ran 0.012 seconds.
The script ran 0.012 seconds.