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Samuel Taylor Coleridge - On Revisiting The Sea-Shore, After Long Absence, Under Strong Medical Recommendation Not To BatheSamuel Taylor Coleridge - On Revisiting The Sea-Shore, After Long Absence, Under Strong Medical Recommendation Not To Bathe
Work rating: Low

God be with thee, gladsome Ocean!   How gladly greet I thee once more! Ships and waves, and ceaseless motion,   And men rejoicing on thy shore. Dissuading spake the mild physician,   `Those briny waves for thee are death!` But my soul fulfilled her mission,   And lo!  I breathe untroubled breath! Fashion`s pining sons and daughters,   That seek the crowd they seem to fly, Trembling they approach thy waters;   And what cares Nature, if they die? Me a thousand hopes and pleasures,   A thousand recollections bland, Thoughts sublime, and stately measures,   Revisit on thy echoing stand: Dreams (the soul herself forsaking),   Tearful raptures, boyish mirth; Silent adorations, making   A blessed shadow of this Earth! O ye hopes, that stir within me,   Health comes with you from above! God is with me, God is in me!   I cannot die, if Life be Love.

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