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Samuel Taylor Coleridge - To A Friend, In Answer To A Melancholy LetterSamuel Taylor Coleridge - To A Friend, In Answer To A Melancholy Letter
Work rating: Low

Away, those cloudy looks, that lab`ring sigh, The peevish offspring of a sickly hour! Nor meanly thus complain of fortune`s power, When the blind gamester throws a luckless die. Yon setting sun flashes a mournful gleam Behind those broken clouds, his stormy train: To-morrow shall the many-colord main In brightness roll beneath his orient beam! Wild as th` autumnal gust, the hand of Time Flies o`er his mystic lyre! in shadowy dance Th` alternate groups of joy and grief advance, Responsive to his varying strains sublime! Bears on its wing each hour a load of fate. The swain, who lulled by Seine`s wild murmurs, led His weary oxen to their nightly shed, To-day may rule a tempest-troubled State. Nor shall not fortune with a vengeful smile Survey the sanguinary despot`s might, And haply hurl the pageant from his height, Unwept to wander in some savage isle. There, shiv`ring sad beneath the tempest`s frown, Round his tired limbs to wrap the purple vest; And mixed with nails and beads, an equal jest! Barter for food the jewels of his crown.

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