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Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Rose Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Rose
Work rating: Low

As late each flower that sweetest blows I pluck`d, the Garden`s pride! Within the petals of a Rose A sleeping Love I `spied. Around his brows a beamy wreath Of many a lucent hue; All purple glow`d his cheek, beneath, Inebriate with the dew. I softly seiz`d th` unguarded Power, Nor scar`d his balmy rest: And plac`d him, cag`d within the flower, On spotless Sara`s breast. But when unweeting of the guile Awoke the pris`ner sweet, He struggled to escape awhile And stamp`d his faery feet. Ah! soon the soul entrancing sight Subdued th` impatient boy! He gaz`d! he thrill`d with deep delight! Then clapp`d his wings for joy. `And O!` he cried -- `Of magic kind What charms this Throne endear! Some other Love let Venus find I`ll fix my empire here.`

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