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Banjo Paterson - El Mahdi to the Australian TroopsBanjo Paterson - El Mahdi to the Australian Troops
Work rating: Low

And wherefore have they come, this warlike band, That o`er the ocean many a weary day Have tossed; and now beside Suakim`s Bay, With faces stern and resolute, do stand, Waking the desert`s echoes with the drum Men of Australia, wherefore have ye come? To keep the Puppet Khedive on the throne, To strike a blow for tyranny and wrong, To crush the weak and aid the oppressing strong! Regardless of the hapless Fellah`s moan, To force the payment of the Hebrew loan, Squeezing the tax like blood from out the stone? And fair Australia, freest of the free, Is up in arms against the freeman`s fight; And with her mother joined to crush the right Has left her threatened treasures o`er the sea, Has left her land of liberty and law To flesh her maiden sword in this unholy war. Enough! God never blessed such enterprise England`s degenerate Generals yet shall rue Brave Gordon sacrificed, when soon they view The children of a thousand deserts rise To drive them forth like sand before the gale God and the Prophet! Freedom will prevail.

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