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John Greenleaf Whittier - Lines On The Death Of S. Oliver TorreyJohn Greenleaf Whittier - Lines On The Death Of S. Oliver Torrey
Work rating: Low

SECRETARY OF THE BOSTON YOUNG MEN`S ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. Gone before us, O our brother, To the spirit-land! Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. Who shall offer youth and beauty On the wasting shrine Of a stern and lofty duty, With a faith like thine? Oh, thy gentle smile of greeting Who again shall see? Who amidst the solemn meeting Gaze again on thee? Who when peril gathers o`er us, Wear so calm a brow? Who, with evil men before us, So serene as thou? Early hath the spoiler found thee, Brother of our love! Autumn`s faded earth around thee, And its storms above! Evermore that turf lie lightly, And, with future showers, O`er thy slumbers fresh and brightly Blow the summer flowers In the locks thy forehead gracing, Not a silvery streak; Nor a line of sorrow`s tracing On thy fair young cheek; Eyes of light and lips of roses, Such as Hylas wore,-- Over all that curtain closes, Which shall rise no more! Will the vigil Love is keeping Round that grave of thine, Mournfully, like Jazer weeping Over Sibmah`s vine; Will the pleasant memories, swelling Gentle hearts, of thee, In the spirit`s distant dwelling All unheeded be? If the spirit ever gazes, From its journeyings, back; If the immortal ever traces O`er its mortal track; Wilt thou not, O brother, meet us Sometimes on our way, And, in hours of sadness, greet us As a spirit may? Peace be with thee, O our brother, In the spirit-land Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. Unto Truth and Freedom giving All thy early powers, Be thy virtues with the living, And thy spirit ours!

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