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William Wordsworth - Yarrow UnvisitedWilliam Wordsworth - Yarrow Unvisited
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. From Stirling castle we had seen    The mazy Forth unravelled;    Had trod the banks of Clyde, and Tay,    And with the Tweed had travelled;    And when we came to Clovenford,    Then said my "winsome Marrow ,"    "Whate`er betide, we`ll turn aside,    And see the Braes of Yarrow."    "Let Yarrow folk,  frae Selkirk town,   Who have been buying, selling,   Go back to Yarrow, `tis their own;   Each maiden to her dwelling!   On Yarrow`s banks let her herons feed,   Hares couch, and rabbits burrow!   But we will downward with the Tweed   Nor turn aside to Yarrow.   "There`s Galla Water, Leader Haughs,   Both lying right before us;   And Dryborough, where with chiming Tweed   The lintwhites sing in chorus;   There`s pleasant Tiviot-dale, a land   Made blithe with plough and harrow:   Why throw away a needful day   To go in search of Yarrow?   "What`s Yarrow but a river bare,   That glides the dark hills under?   There are a thousand such elsewhere   As worthy of your wonder."   —Strange words they seemed of slight and scorn;   My True-love sighed for sorrow;   And looked me in the face, to think   I thus could speak of Yarrow!   "Oh! green," said I, "are Yarrow`s holms,   And sweet is Yarrow flowing!   Fair hangs the apple frae the rock,   But we will leave it growing.   O`er hilly path, and open Strath,   We`ll wander Scotland thorough;   But, though so near, we will not turn   Into the dale of Yarrow.   "Let beeves and home-bred kine partake   The sweets of Burn-mill meadow,   The swan on still St. Mary`s Lake   Float double, swan and shadow!   We will not see them; will not go,   To-day, nor yet to-morrow;   Enough if in our hearts we know   There`s such a place as Yarrow.   "Be Yarrow stream unseen, unknown!   It must, or we shall rue it:   We have a vision of our own;   Ah! why should we undo it?   The treasured dreams of times long past,   We`ll keep them, winsome Marrow!   For when we`er there, although `tis fair,   `Twill be another Yarrow!   "If Care with freezing years should come,   And wandering seem but folly,—   Should we be loth to stir from home,    And yet be melancholy;   Should life be dull, and spirits low,   `Twill soothe us in our sorrow,   That earth has something yet to show,   The bonny holms of Yarrow!"

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