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William Wordsworth - The Tables TurnedWilliam Wordsworth - The Tables Turned
Work rating: Medium

.    Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books;    Or surely you`ll grow double:    Up! up! my Friend, and clear your looks;    Why all this toil and trouble?    The sun above the mountain`s head,    A freshening lustre mellow    Through all the long green fields has spread,    His first sweet evening yellow.    Books! `tis a dull and endless strife:   Come, hear the woodland linnet,   How sweet his music! on my life,   There`s more of wisdom in it.   And hark! how blithe the throstle sings!   He, too, is no mean preacher:   Come forth into the light of things,   Let Nature be your teacher.   She has a world of ready wealth,   Our minds and hearts to bless—   Spontaneous wisdom breathed by health,   Truth breathed by cheerfulness.   One impulse from a vernal wood   May teach you more of man,   Of moral evil and of good,   Than all the sages can.   Sweet is the lore which Nature brings;   Our meddling intellect   Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:—   We murder to dissect.   Enough of Science and of Art;   Close up those barren leaves;   Come forth, and bring with you a heart   That watches and receives.

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