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Edward Lear - Eclogue:Composed at Cannes, December 9th, 1867Edward Lear - Eclogue:Composed at Cannes, December 9th, 1867
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(Interlocutors--Mr. Lear and Mr. and Mrs. Symonds.) Edwardus--What makes you look so black, so glum, so cross?           Is it neuralgia, headache, or remorse? Johannes--What makes you look as cross, or even more so?           Less like a man than is a broken Torso?         E--What if my life is odious, should I grin?           If you are savage, need I care a pin?         J--And if I suffer, am I then an owl?           May I not frown and grind my teeth and growl?         E--Of course you may; but may not I growl too!           May I not frown and grind my teeth like you!         J--See Catherine comes! To her, to her,           Let each his several miseries refer;           She shall decide whose woes are least or worst,           And which, as growler, shall rank last or first. Catherine--Proceed to growl, in silence I`ll attend,           And hear your foolish growlings to the end;           And when they`re done, I shall correctly judge           Which of your griefs are real or only fudge.           Begin, let each his mournful voice prepare,           (And pray, however angry, do not swear!)         J--We came abroad for warmth, and find sharp cold!           Cannes is an imposition, and we`re sold.         E--Why did I leave my native land, to find           Sharp hailstones, snow, and most disgusting wind?         J--What boots it that we orange trees or lemons see,           If we must suffer from such vile inclemency?         E--Why did I take the lodgings I have got,           Where all I don`t want is:--all I want not?         J--Last week I called alout, O! O! O! O!           The ground is wholly overspread with snow!           Is that at any rate a theme for mirth           Which makes a sugar-cake of all the earth?         E--Why must I sneeze and snuffle, groan and cough,           If my hat`s on my head, or if it`s off?           Why must I sink all poetry in this prose,           The everlasting blowing of my nose?         J--When I walk out the mud my footsteps clogs,           Besides, I suffer from attacks of dogs.         E--Me a vast awful bulldog, black and brown,           Completely terrified when near the town;           As calves perceiving butchers, trembling reel,           So did my calves the approaching monster feel.         J--Already from two rooms we`re driven away,           Because the beastly chimneys smoke all day;           Is this a trifle, say?  Is this a joke?           That we, like hams, should be becooked in smoke?         E--Say, what avails it that my servant speaks           Italian, English, Arabic, and Greek,           Besides Albanian; if he don`t speak French,           How can I ask for salt, or shrimps, or tench?         J--When on the foolish hearth fresh wood I place,           It whistles, sings, and squeaks, before my face;           And if it does unless the fire burns bright,           And if it does, yet squeaks, how can I write?         E--Alas! I needs must go and call on swells,           That they may say, "O Pray draw me the Estrelles."           On one I went last week to leave a card,           The swell was out--the servant eyed me hard:           "This chap`s a thief disguised," his face expressed:           If I go there again, may I be blest!         J--Why must I suffer in this wind and gloom!           Roomattics in a vile cold attic room?         E--Swells drive about the road with haste and fury;           As Jehu drove about all over Jewry.           Just now, while walking slowly, I was all but           Run over by the Lady Emma Talbot,           Whom not long since a lovely babe I knew,           With eyes and cap-ribbons of perfect blue.         J--Downstairs and upstairs, every blessed minute,           There`s each room with pianofortes in it.           How can I write with noises such as those?           And, being always discomposed, compose?         E--Seven Germans through my garden lately strayed           And all on instruments of torture played:           They blew, they screamed, they yelled: how can I paint           Unless my room is quiet, which it ain`t?         J--How can I study if a hundred flies           Each moment blunder into both my eyes?         E--How can I draw with green or blue or red,           If flies and beetles vex my old bald head?         J--How can I translate German Metaphys-           -Ics, if mosquitoes round my forehead whizz?         E--I`ve bought some bacon (Though it`s much too fat),           But round the house there prowls a hideous cat;           Once should I see my bacon in her mouth,           What care I if my rooms look north or south?         J--Pain from a pane in one cracked window comes,           Which sings and whistles, buzzes, shrieks and hums;           In vain amain with pain the pane with this chord           I fain would strain to stop the beastly dischord!         E--If rain and wind and snow and such like ills           Continue here, how shall I pay my bills?           For who through cold and slush and rain will come           To see my drawings and to purchase some?           And if they don`t, what destiny is mine?           How can I ever get to Palestine?         J--The blinding sun strikes through the olive trees,           When I walk out, and always makes me sneeze.         E--Next door, if all night long the moon is shining,           There sits a dog, who wakes me up with whining.     Cath.--Forbear!  You both are bores, you`ve growled enough:           No longer will I listen to such stuff!           All men have nuisances and bores to afflict `um;           Hark then, and bow to my official dictum!           For you, Johannes, there is most excuse,           (Some interruptions are the very deuce),           You`re younger than the other cove, who surely           Might have some sense--besides, you`re somewhat poorly.           This therefore is my sentence, that you nurse           The Baby for seven hours, and nothing worse.           For you, Edwardus, I shall say no more           Than that your griefs are fudge, yourself a bore;           Return at once to cold, stewed, minced, hashed mutton--           To wristbands ever guiltless of a button--           To raging winds and sea (where don`t you wish           Your luck may ever let you catch one fish?)--           To make large drawings nobody will buy--           To paint oil pictures which will never dry--           To write new books which nobody will read--           To drink weak tea, on tough old pigs to feed--           Till spring-time brings the birds and leaves and flowers,           And time restores a world of happier hours.

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