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Edgar Guest - Queer EbenezerEdgar Guest - Queer Ebenezer
Work rating: Low

The strangest man I ever knew Is Ebenezer Pettigrew; Dropped in on him last night t` chat Of politics an` this an` that, An` when he`d showed me to a seat He brung some apples in t` eat, An` tuk one up, an` stroked its side An` fondled it t` show his pride. Says I t’ him: "It`s plain t` me Thet things ain`t what they orter be; Men ain`t as honest as they wuz, Vice profits more`n virtue does, The weak are downtrod by the strong, The whole world`s overrun by wrong." An` then I showed him facts t` prove Thet we air gettin` in a groove O` wickedness, an` steeped in sin, But all he did wuz work his chin A-chewin` on his apple core An` lookin` at his parlor floor, An` then, says he, right slow t` me: "Some things ain`t what they orter be, But still I ain`t inclined to pine, Apples this year air mighty fine." He tuk another pippin then An` started in t` chew again. "Now Eb," says I, "Ye`ve got t` say Thet we air in a dreadful way; Thet life is full o` pain an` woe, An` rough air roads thet we must go. The iron heels of lust and greed Air on our necks, an` if you read The papers nowadays, you`ll note Thet rumors dreadful air afloat; Our judges ain`t exactly just In matters that affect a trust." I put it to him good an` strong, Expectin` that he`d come erlong An` jine with me by nod or sign, But nary nod or move t` jine He made, but turnin` in his chair An` reachin` fer the table, where An old brown pitcher stood, says he: "Come on an` have a drink with me; I ain`t denyin` what you say, It mebbe things air thataway, But here`s yer glass, now ain`t that clear? The cider`s mighty fine this year."

The script ran 0.001 seconds.