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Edgar Guest - The NeighborsEdgar Guest - The Neighbors
Work rating: Low

WHY do I grind from morn till night, And sick or well sit down to write? Why do I line my brow with sweat, An extra buck or two to get? The reason isn`t hard to trace, For us our neighbors set the pace. The Greens go weekly to a show, And so, of course, we have to go; A dollar-fifty per they pay For seats down in the parquet, And always they wear evening dress; We couldn`t think of doing less. The Browns maintain a servant girl, The one we have was christened Pearl; At dinner, several kinds of wine They serve in glass of rare design. Their dinners are a great success; And ours, of course, must be no less. In summer all our neighbors flee Unto the mountains or the sea; They spend two months in big hotels And hobnob with the other swells; And though it`s costly, I confess That wife of mine shall do no less. Two doors from us lives Mrs. Grout, Who owns a lovely runabout, And though she`s very nice, it`s plain She looks on us with some disdain. Although it`s more than I can do, My wife will shortly have one, too. I `d like to take a holiday And spend a month or two in play; I`d like to take an ocean trip And give this awful grind the slip; But there`s no rest for me the while We let our neighbors set the style.

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