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Edgar Guest - The SpoilerEdgar Guest - The Spoiler
Work rating: Low

With a twinkle in his eye He`d come gayly walkin` by An` he`d whistle to the children   An` he`d beckon `em to come, Then he`d chuckle low an` say, "Come along, I`m on my way, An` it`s I that need your company   To buy a little gum." When his merry call they`d hear, All the children, far an` near, Would come flyin` from the gardens   Like the chickens after wheat; When we`d shake our heads an` say: "No, you mustn`t go to-day!" He`d beg to let him have `em   In a pack about his feet. Oh, he spoiled `em, one an` all; There was not a youngster small But was over-fed on candy   An` was stuffed with lollypops, An` I think his greatest joy Was to get some girl or boy An` bring `em to their parents   All besmeared by chocolate drops. Now the children`s hearts are sore For he comes to them no more, And no more to them he whistles   And no more for them he stops; But in Paradise, I think, With his chuckle and his wink, He is leading little angels   To the heavenly candy shops.

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