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Edgar Guest - The Rich Man’s WoesEdgar Guest - The Rich Man’s Woes
Work rating: Low

HE `S worth a million dollars and you think he should be glad, Because you want for money you believe he can`t be sad; His name is in the papers nearly every day or so, If he wants a trip to Europe he can pack his grip and go, But he`s really heavy-hearted and he often wears a frown, For his daughter contradicts him and his new wife calls him down. He`s not dunned by bill collectors, and he doesn`t have to fret Though the cost of living`s soaring; what he wants he`s sure to get. He can order from his tailor three or four suits at a time, And he tips the waiters dollars where another tips a dime; But he really isn`t happy as he motors round the town, For his daughter contradicts him and his new wife calls him down. O, it`s folly to sit yearning for another fellow`s lot, For he`s sure to have some worries that perhaps afflict you not; And it`s folly now to wish for any other fellow`s place, For it`s certain he has troubles that would make you sour of face; And the man who `s worth a million maybe wants to be a clown When his daughter contradicts him and his new wife calls him down.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.