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Edgar Guest - After A ProposalEdgar Guest - After A Proposal
Work rating: Low

IS IT so sudden? Then did you believe, dear, Those evenings I called at your flat And lovingly, longingly gazed in your eyes, That I merely had come for a chat? Did it strike you the times that I lingered till twelve And hated to leave you alone, I was doing that merely to fill up my time, Because I `d no home of my own? So sudden, you say?  Yet for years I have stood On your doorstep each evening at eight. Did you think I had come for a chat with your ma, Or a word with your maiden aunt, Kate? Did you think, when I sighed as I fondled your hand, `T was dyspepsia that troubled me then? Or that the cigars I bestowed on your dad Were smokes I would give to all men? O, the tickets for shows I have purchased for you, The automobiles I have hired! The lockets and bracelets and purses and things, All gifts that I knew you desired, That I tenderly laid at your feet, as a shrine, Though each cost me a half a week`s pay! I thought that my actions betrayed my design, And yet, "It`s so sudden," you say.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.