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Edgar Guest - His PhilosophyEdgar Guest - His Philosophy
Work rating: Low

JIM had a quaint philosophy, "It ain`t fer you, it`s jes` fer me," He used to say. "I don`t p`tend T` force it onto foe or friend; I don`t advise or recommend This way or that fer him nor you, Or try t` tell you what t` do; But I jes` take myself aside An` teach him tricks he`s never tried. "I kinder take myself in hand An` try t` make him understand That he must do a full day`s work, An` ain`t got time t` loaf an` shirk; An` when he gets a load of care, His shoulders are the ones t` bear That burden, not his neighbors or Some friend he might go running for. "I try t` teach myself t` smile, T` whistle every little while, T` take whatever comes his way As his just portion of th` day; An` not complain an` fume an` frown, An` vow th` world is runnin` down An` ragged at th` heel becoz Things ain`t as pleasant as they was. "Fer I`ve got all that I can do T` keep myself in line; that`s true. It ain`t fer me t` stand up now An` try t` tell my neighbors how They ought t` live, an` what t` do, T` hold up all their faults t` view. Reformin` others may be fine, But somehow that ain`t in my line. "Yes, I`ve my own philosophy, But it "s intended jes` fer me; It`s made t` keep myself in line, T make me never show a sign Of fear or cowardice when things Go wrong or untold sorrow stings, An` that is all that I can do You`ll have t` say what`s best fer you.`

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