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Edgar Guest - What Home`s Intended ForEdgar Guest - What Home`s Intended For
Work rating: Low

When the young folks gather `round in the good old-fashioned way, Singin` all the latest songs gathered from the newest play, Or they start the phonograph an` shove the chairs back to the wall An` hold a little party dance, I`m happiest of all. Then I sorter settle back, plumb contented to the core, An` I tell myself most proudly, that`s what home`s intended for. When the laughter`s gaily ringin` an` the room is filled with song, I like, to sit an` watch `em, all that glad an` merry throng, For the ragtime they are playin` on the old piano there Beats any high-toned music where the bright lights shine an` glare, An` the racket they are makin` stirs my pulses more and more, So I whisper in my gladness: that`s what home`s intended for. Then I smile an` say to Mother, let `em move the chairs about, Let `em frolic in the parlor, let `em shove the tables out, Jus` so long as they are near us, jus` so long as they will stay By the fireplace we are keepin`, harm will never come their way, An` you`ll never hear me grumble at the bills that keep me poor, It`s the finest part o` livin`--that`s what home`s intended for.

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