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Edgar Guest - Worth WhileEdgar Guest - Worth While
Work rating: Low

He doesn`t care that I`m not rich, Or that I`m poorly dressed, That I`m a toiler in the ditch He hasn`t even guessed. My faults that other people know He doesn`t even see, For every night with eyes aglow He toddles up to me. Although I`m just a common dub, And ordinary clay, His cheek to mine he`s glad to rub Before I go away; And every night when I return, He`s glad as he can be, And though but little I may earn He toddles up to me. To come to me he`d leave a king, If one were sitting near, Unto no millionaire he`d cling If only I`d appear. And though but tattered rags are mine When I go home to tea With eyes that fairly beam and shine He`d toddle up to me. And so I`ve reason to be glad, And reason to rejoice, It`s worth the world to be a dad, To be a baby`s choice. There is no prize fame can bestow, No joy can ever be So real, as when, with eyes aglow, He toddles up to me.

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