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Edgar Guest - If Only I Were Santa ClausEdgar Guest - If Only I Were Santa Claus
Work rating: Low

If only I were Santa Claus and you were still a boy, I`d find the chimney to your heart and fill it full of joy ; On Christmas Eve when all was still and you were fast asleep Much like your Santa Claus of old unto your bed I`d creep And in the pack upon my back all shining, bright and new I would have gathered everything to help and comfort you. I`d tiptoe round about your life as Santa round a bed Until with happiness and peace I knew your path was spread. Were there a single line of care upon your kindly face I`d find the cause that marked it there and banish every trace. I`d fill your breast with songs of love, your face I`d deck with smiles And roses red should mark your path for miles and miles and miles; And as I looked into your heart, while you so soundly slept, I`d find the hidden closet where your dearest hopes are kept, The sacred dreams of long ago, the deeds you hoped to do And one and all, before I left, I`d realise for you. No tawdry gift of tinsel cheap would ever I bestow, With joy your eyes should wake to smile, with health your cheeks should glow; I`d search the corners of your heart where all your griefs are stored And in the morning bright you`d find that on them I had poured The oil of consolation sweet and changed their stings to be The hallowed and the precious calm of sainted memory. I`d make of you a happy friend, I`d robe you with content, I`d strew your counterpane with joys that night before I went. And if I found a burden great that you are forced to bear I`d leave the courage in your heart for you to do and dare; I`d give you strength for every deed, I`d steal away your fear, I`d make you brave and bold and strong throughout the coming year. And you should win the goal you seek, and finer goals should gain Nor ever lose one joy you have, but all that`s good retain. I`d leave no dream unrealized, no prize you couldn`t get, And in my pack I`d take away from you each vain regret. No war should rob you of your peace, no selfish hate should mar The paths of life that you must tread, although you wander far. About you always there would be your loved ones smiling bright, And every hour would bring to you some new and rich delight. I`d fix things so whatever comes you`d have no cause to sigh, Above you always there would be a clear and smiling sky. If only I were Santa Claus and you were still a boy, I`d find the chimney to your heart and fill it full of joy.

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