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Edgar Guest - When We Were KidsEdgar Guest - When We Were Kids
Work rating: Low

WHEN we wuz kids together, an` we didn`t have a care, In the lazy days of summer, when our feet wuz allus bare, When a hat warn`t necessary, an` a necktie in the way, An` there warn`t a blessed thing t` do but scamper off an` play; Then th` sun meant somethin` to us, an` the blue skies overhead Kinder stooped down in th` meadows where we children wuz, an` said: "Trout are bitin` in th` mill stream, hurry up an` git yer pole, Now`s th` time you should be hikin` `t` yer fav`rit fishin` hole." When we wuz kids together, an` there warn`t a thing t` fret, ` Cept comin` home t` mother with our hair suspicious wet, Then th` sunbeams an` th` song birds used t` come t` us an` say: " They are swimmin` in th` river, better git there right away, As we passed `em we could hear `em laughin`, splashin` down below." Then we hurried t` th` river, jus` as fast as we could go, For there warn`t a thing t` keep us, like there is now we are men, An` th` sunbeams an` th` song birds an` the skies meant somethin` then. Now th` same sunbeams come callin`, an` th` same song birds come near, And the same blue skies bend o`er me and their messages I hear; Every dancing sunbeam tells me that out yonder in the stream Now the pickerel are biting, but I only sit and dream; For I`ve journeyed past my boyhood, I `m a slave forevermore, And I must not heed their whispers as I used to do of yore; There are bills to meet and duties that I must not, dare not shirk, Mr. Sunbeam, quit yer coaxin`, it`s no use, I`ve got t` work.

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