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Edgar Guest - A Good SoldierEdgar Guest - A Good Soldier
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He writes to us most every day, and how his letters thrill us!     I can`t describe the joys with which his quaint expressions fill us.     He says the military life is not of his selection,     He`s only soldiering to-day to give the Flag protection.     But since he`s in the army now and doing duties humble,     He`ll do what all good soldiers must, and he will never grumble.     He`s not so keen for standing guard, a lonely vigil keeping,     "But when I must," he writes to us, "they`ll never find me sleeping!     I hear a lot of boys complain about the tasks they set us     And there`s no doubt that mother`s meals can beat the ones they get us,     But since I`m here to do my bit, close to the job I`m sticking;     I`ll take whatever comes my way and waste no word in kicking.     "I`d like to be a captain, dad, a major or a colonel,     I`d like to get my picture in some illustrated journal;     I don`t exactly fancy jobs that now and then come my way,     Like picking bits of rubbish up that desecrate the highway.     But still I`ll do those menial tasks as cheerfully as could one,     For while I am a private here I`m going to be a good one.     "A soldier`s life is not the way I`d choose to make my living,     But now I`m in the ranks to serve, my best to it I`m giving.     Oh, I could name a dozen jobs that I`d consider finer,     But since I`ve got this one to do I`ll never be a whiner.     I`m just a private in the ranks, but take it from my letter,     They`ll never fire your son for one who`ll do his duty better."

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