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Edgar Guest - Do Your AllEdgar Guest - Do Your All
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"Do your bit!" How cheap and trite     Seems that phrase in such a fight!     "Do your bit!" That cry recall,     Change it now to "Do your all!"     Do your all, and then do more;     Do what you`re best fitted for;     Do your utmost, do and give,     You have but one life to live.     Do your finest, do your best,     Don`t let up and stop to rest,     Don`t sit back and idly say:     "I did something yesterday."     Come on! Here`s another hour,     Give it all you have of power.     Here`s another day that needs     Everybody`s share of deeds.     "Do your bit!" of course, but then     Do it time and time again;     Giving, doing, all should be     Up to full capacity.     Now`s no time to pick and choose,     We`ve a war we must not lose.     Be your duty great or small,     Do it well and do it all.     Do by careful, patient living,     Do by cheerful, open giving;     Do by serving day by day     At whatever post you may;     Do by sacrificing pleasure,     Do by scorning hours of leisure.     Now to God and country give     Every minute that you live.

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