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Edgar Guest - The Fun Of ForgivingEdgar Guest - The Fun Of Forgiving
Work rating: Low

Sometimes I`m almost glad to hear when I get home that they`ve been bad; And though I try to look severe, within my heart I`m really glad When mother sadly tells to me the list of awful things they`ve done, Because when they come tearfully, forgiving them is so much fun. I like to have them all alone, with no one near to hear or see, Then as their little faults they own, I like to take them on my knee And talk it over and pretend the whipping soon must be begun; And then to kiss them at the end--forgiving them is so much fun. Within the world there`s no such charm as children penitent and sad, Who put two soft and chubby arms around your neck, when they`ve been bad. And as you view their trembling lips, away your temper starts to run, And from your mind all anger slips--forgiving them is so much fun. If there were nothing to forgive I wonder if we`d love them so; If they were wise enough to live as grown-ups do, and always go Along the pleasant path of right, with ne`er a fault from sun to sun, A lot of joys we`d miss at night--forgiving them is so much fun.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.