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Edgar Guest - Little Girls Are BestEdgar Guest - Little Girls Are Best
Work rating: Low

Little girls are mighty nice,   Take `em any way they come; They are always worth their price;   Life without `em would be glum; Run earth`s lists of treasures through,   Pile `em high until they fall, Gold an` costly jewels, too--   Little girls are best of all. Nothing equals `em on earth!   I`m an old man an` I know Any little girl is worth   More than all the gold below; Eyes o` blue or brown or gray,   Raven hair or golden curls, There`s no joy on earth to-day   Quite so fine as little girls. Pudgy nose or freckled face,   Fairy-like or plain to see, God has surely blessed the place   Where a little girl may be; They`re the jewels of His crown   Dropped to earth from heaven above, Like wee angel souls sent down   To remind us of His love. God has made some lovely things--   Roses red an` skies o` blue, Trees an` babbling silver springs,   Gardens glistening with dew-- But take every gift to man,   Big an` little, great an` small, Judge it on its merits, an`   Little girls are best of all!

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