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Edgar Guest - A Good NameEdgar Guest - A Good Name
Work rating: Low

Men talk too much of gold and fame, And not enough about a name; And yet a good name`s better far Than all earth`s glistening jewels are. Who holds his name above all price And chooses every sacrifice To keep his earthly record clear, Can face the world without a fear. Who never cheats nor lies for gain, A poor man may, perhaps, remain, Yet, when at night he goes to rest, No little voice within his breast Disturbs his slumber. Conscience clear, He falls asleep with naught to fear And when he wakes the world to face He is not tainted by disgrace. Who keeps his name without a stain Wears no man`s brand and no man`s chain; He need not fear to speak his mind In dread of what the world may find. He then is master of his will; None may command him to be still, Nor force him, when he would stand fast, To flinch before his hidden past. Not all the gold that men may claim Can cover up a deed of shame; Not all the fame of victory sweet Can free the man who played the cheat; He lives a slave unto the last Unto the shame that mars his past. He only freedom here may own Whose name a stain has never known.

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