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Edgar Guest - When Pa Comes HomeEdgar Guest - When Pa Comes Home
Work rating: Low

When Pa comes home, I`m at the door, An` then he grabs me off the floor An` throws me up an` catches me When I come down, an` then, says he: "Well, how`d you get along to-day? An` were you good, an` did you play, An` keep right out of mamma`s way? An` how`d you get that awful bump Above your eye ? My, what a lump! An` who spilled jelly on your shirt? An` where`d you ever find the dirt That`s on your hands? And my! Oh, my! I guess those eyes have had a cry, They look so red. What was it, pray? What has been happening here to-day?" An` then he drops" his coat an` hat Upon a chair, an` says: "What`s that ? Who knocked that engine on its back An` stepped upon that piece of track ? " An` then he takes me on his knee An` says: " What`s this that now I see ? Whatever can the matter be? Who strewed those toys upon the floor, An` left those things behind the door? Who upset all those parlor chairs An` threw those blocks upon the stairs? I guess a cyclone called to-day While I was workin` far away. Who was it worried mamma so? It can`t be anyone I know." An` then I laugh an` say: "It`s me! Me did most ever`thing you see. Me got this bump the time me tripped. An` here is where the jelly slipped Right off my bread upon my shirt, An` when me tumbled down it hurt. That`s how me got all over dirt. Me threw those building blocks downstairs, An` me upset the parlor chairs, Coz when you`re playin` train you`ve got To move things `round an awful lot." An` then my Pa he kisses me An` bounces me upon his knee An` says : "Well, well, my little lad, What glorious fun you must  have had! "

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