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Edgar Guest - What Is Success?Edgar Guest - What Is Success?
Work rating: Low

Success is being friendly when another needs a friend; It`s in the cheery words you speak, and in the coins you lend; Success is not alone in skill and deeds of daring great; It`s in the roses that you plant beside your garden gate. Success is in the way you walk the paths of life each day; It`s in the little things you do and in the things you say; Success is in the glad hello you give your fellow man; It`s in the laughter of your home and all the joys you plan. Success is not in getting rich or rising high to fame; It`s not alone in winning goals which all men hope to claim; It`s in the man you are each day, through happiness or care; It`s in the cheery words you speak and in the smile you wear. Success is being big of heart and clean and broad of mind; It`s being faithful to your friends, and to the stranger, kind; It`s in the children whom you love, and all they learn from you-- Success depends on character and everything you do.

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