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Edgar Guest - Kelly IngramEdgar Guest - Kelly Ingram
Work rating: Low

His name was Kelly Ingram; he was Alabama`s son, And he whistled "Yankee Doodle," as he stood beside his gun; There was laughter in his make-up, there was manhood in his face, And he knew the best traditions and the courage of his race; Now there`s not a heart among us but should swell with loyal pride When he thinks of Kelly Ingram and the splendid way he died. On the swift Destroyer Cassin he was merely gunner`s mate, But up there to-day, I fancy, he is standing with the great. On that grim day last October his position on the craft Was that portion of the vessel which the sailors christen aft; There were deep sea bombs beside him to be dropped upon the Hun Who makes women folks his victims and then gloats o`er what he`s done. From the lookout came a warning; came the cry all sailors fear, A torpedo was approaching, and the vessel`s doom was near; Ingram saw the streak of danger, but he saw a little more, A greater menace faced them than that missile had in store; If those deep sea bombs beside him were not thrown beneath the wave, Every man aboard the Cassin soon would find a watery grave. It was death for him to linger, but he figured if he ran And quit his post of duty, `twould be death for every man; So he stood at his position, threw those depth bombs overboard, And when that torpedo struck them, he went forth to meet his Lord. Oh, I don`t know how to say it, but these whole United States Should remember Kelly Ingram—he who died to save his mates.

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