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Edgar Guest - Playing For KeepsEdgar Guest - Playing For Keeps
Work rating: Low

I`ve watched him change from his bibs and things, from bonnets known as "cute," To little frocks, and later on I saw him don a suit; And though it was of calico, those knickers gave him joy, Until the day we all agreed `twas time for corduroy. I say I`ve seen the changes come, it seems with bounds and leaps, But here`s another just arrived—he`s playing mibs for keeps! The guide posts of his life fly by. The boy that is to-day, To-morrow morning we may wake to find has gone away, And in his place will be a lad we`ve never known before, Older and wiser in his ways, and filled with new-found lore. Now here`s another boy to-day, counting his marble heaps And proudly boasting to his dad he`s playing mibs for keeps! His mother doesn`t like this change. She says it is a shame— That since he plays with larger boys, he`s bound to lose the game. But little do I mind his loss; I`m more concerned to know The way he acts the times when he must see his marbles go. And oh, I hope he will not be the little boy who weeps Too much when he has failed to win while playing mibs for keeps. Playing for keeps! Another step toward manhood`s broad estate! This is what some term growing up, or destiny, or fate. Yet from this game with marbles, played with youngsters on the street, I hope will come a larger boy, too big to lie or cheat, And by these mibs which from his clutch another madly sweeps, I hope he`ll learn the game of life which must be played for keeps.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.