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Edgar Guest - The Fishing OutfitEdgar Guest - The Fishing Outfit
Work rating: Medium

You may talk of stylish raiment,     You may boast your broadcloth fine, And the price you gave in payment     May be treble that of mine. But there`s one suit I`d not trade you     Though it`s shabby and it`s thin, For the garb your tailor made you:         That`s the tattered,         Mud-bespattered     Suit that I go fishing in. There`s no king in silks and laces     And with jewels on his breast, With whom I would alter places.     There`s no man so richly dressed Or so like a fashion panel     That, his luxuries to win, I would swap my shirt of flannel         And the rusty,         Frayed and dusty     Suit that I go fishing in. `Tis an outfit meant for pleasure;     It is freedom`s raiment, too; It`s a garb that I shall treasure     Till my time of life is through. Though perhaps it looks the saddest     Of all robes for mortal skin, I am proudest and I`m gladdest         In that easy,         Old and greasy     Suit that I go fishing in.

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