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Edgar Guest - A Fine SightEdgar Guest - A Fine Sight
Work rating: Low

I reckon the finest sight of all     That a man can see in this world of ours Ain`t the works of art on the gallery wall,     Or the red an` white o` the fust spring flowers, Or a hoard o` gold from the yellow mines;     But the` sight that`ll make ye want t` yell Is t` catch a glimpse o` the fust pink signs     In yer baby`s cheek, that she`s gittin` well. When ye see the pink jes` a-creepin` back     T` the pale, drawn cheek, an` ye note a smile, Then th` cords o` yer heart that were tight, grow slack     An` ye jump fer joy every little while, An` ye tiptoe back to her little bed     As though ye doubted yer eyes, or were Afraid it was fever come back instead,     An` ye found that th` pink still blossomed there. Ye`ve watched fer that smile an` that bit o` bloom     With a heavy heart fer weeks an` weeks; An` a castle o` joy becomes that room     When ye glimpse th` pink `in yer baby`s cheeks. An` out o` yer breast flies a weight o` care,     An` ye`re lifted up by some magic spell, An` yer heart jes` naturally beats a prayer     O` joy to the Lord `cause she`s gittin` well.

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