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Phillis Wheatley - Ode To NeptunePhillis Wheatley - Ode To Neptune
Work rating: Low

On Mrs. W——-`s Voyage to England.               I. While raging tempests shake the shore, While Aeolus` thunders round us roar, And sweep impetuous o`er the plain Be still, O tyrant of the main; Nor let thy brow contracted frowns betray, While my Susanna skims the wat`ry way.               II. The Pow`r propitious hears the lay, The blue-ey`d daughters of the sea With sweeter cadence glide along, And Thames responsive joins the song. Pleas`d with their notes Sol sheds benign his ray, And double radiance decks the face of day.               III. To court thee to Britannia`s arms  Serene the climes and mild the sky, Her region boasts unnumber`d charms,  Thy welcome smiles in ev`ry eye. Thy promise, Neptune keep, record my pray`r, Not give my wishes to the empty air.

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